October: Blend 8
When you are excited about what you're doing and want others to join you, there are two ways to go about it. The first way will drive even your best friends and family away and harm your relationships. The second way will be a pleasant experience for those who choose to join you, and cause no bad feelings between you and anyone who does not.*
Needless to say, way number one is not successful. Why? Because it involves deception, harassment, and guilting someone while trying to force them to join you. Pushing people to change and see things as you want is pointless. The more you push, the more they resist. This method tells them you are doing this to help yourself, not them, which is another big turn-off. Keep in mind that the only person you can change is yourself.*
So you will change your approach to how you introduce your business and how you work with them. When you gently share your enthusiasm, how much fun you are having, and how much better you feel, they will be interested because you have not asked them to do anything. Usually, because you have piqued their interest, they will ask you about what you are doing. Gift them a sample of something you think would be helpful to them, and this will most likely result in at least a happy customer. Some people need a bit more time than others to decide about joining.*
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