Foeniculum vulgare
Sweet Fennel heightens low libido. Estrogen helps maintain good muscle tone, skin elasticity, good circulation, and strong bones - all of which deteriorate with aging. The ancients claimed Fennel promoted longevity, perhaps because of its similarity to estrogen. Athletes are known to use Sweet Fennel in baths or massage oils to tone muscles. It restores muscle tone and vitality to people convalescing after an illness. Sweet Fennel is known to pull out poisons from insect and snake bites. In Europe, it is frequently used for its detoxifying action in the treatment and rehab of alcoholics and drug abusers, and it can counteract alcohol poisoning.*
Sweet Fennel's detoxifying properties are helpful for controlling cellulite and for dieting. Sweet Fennel is also believed to suppress the appetite. European doctors have successfully treated gout with Sweet Fennel Essential Oil. They also use it to assist with arthritis and rheumatism because it prevents the buildup of toxins in the body, especially the joints.*
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